Arena Tax become FIRST firm in Europe to transfer its membership from CPAAI Association to the MGI Worldwide Network following last year’s merger. Discover what motivated our move.
At the beginning of 2020 MGI Worldwide and CPAAI merged, bringing huge opportunities to member firms from across the newly combined network and association, which almost doubled overnight. MGI Worldwide and CPAAI are highly complementary in terms of business culture and client service philosophy. They were both formed more than 60 years ago and are well-established and active in their markets.
Arena Tax – Tax and Transfer Pricing Specialists
MGI Worldwide is a network of independent audit, tax, accounting and consulting firms. Our membership enables us to keep providing international service to any of our clients looking for support abroad and help other memebrs clients to benefit from our wide expertise.
Arena Tax is composed of two teams: General Tax team and Transfer Pricing and Valuations team.
The Tax team – experienced tax advisors, legal advisors, lawyers and specialists – is headed by Tax Managing Partner, Aneta Saramak, a state-licensed tax advisor with over 20 years of experience in Polish and international advising. The team performs work with the highest diligence and quality in the field of tax (including VAT, corporate taxes, international taxation for groups of companies, tax accounting, compliance and representation in court disputes). We provide our services to the financial, real estate and development, manufacturing, technology, IT and other sectors.
Transfer pricing is the second main specialism alongside taxes. With a full-time team of economists and tax advisors dedicated to transfer pricing, we stand out as experts in this field, offering a very specialised service covering global transfer pricing compliance and reporting, benchmarking studies, transfer pricing planning, advisory and litigation.
Joanna Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, state-licensed tax advisor with over 15 years of experience in transfer pricing, Tax Managing Partner at Arena Tax, is a true advocate of the specialism and we are proud to annouce she is leading a new Global Transfer Pricing Group among the MGI Worldwide CPAAI community.
We have extensive experience in cooperation with foreign advisors and in providing services for international capital groups in the field of tax, accounting and global transfer pricing across Europe, Asia and North America and are a trusted partner for international business.
What Arena Tax had to say about the move
The move to MGI Worldwide was a significant step forward for the firm, which is strong in the local market but is looking to strengthen its international reach.
Arena Tax is excited to be able to start raising its profile in the Network and gain from the enhanced member marketing support and reputational benefits that MGI Worldwide Network membership brings.
Michał Musielak, Group Managing Partner at Arena Tax, discussed his firm’s motivation behind this big move.
“Arena Tax has been providing professional services for multinational capital groups for many years. Since the beginning, we believe that joining a network of firms like us guarantees status, experience and quality as well as better understanding of the size and potential of the global market. Associations also provide a strong community of professionals who support one another and lobby for shared interests.
We are very excited to become MGI Worldwide members and look forward to cooperating with specialists from all around the globe”
MGI Worldwide with CPAAI, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 10,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 460 locations in over 100 countries around the world.
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