Accounting and financial advisory

Our accounting and financial advisory covers:

  • Technical assistance in complex accounting issues and improving of information gathering process.
  • Implementing IFRS for published or forthcoming financial statements including advice on notes to financial statements and adequacy of documentation.
  • Assistance in implementation of accounting and tax settlements of financial instruments in the transaction and accounting systems. We have an in-depth knowledge and broad experience in recognizing and control of the financial and operating risks associated with these systems.
  • Preparation and implementation of provisioning policy according to standards accepted on the market and in accordance with statutory requirements, as well as income recognition for the portfolio(amortized cost)and preparation of accounting policies.
  • Providing comprehensive services of reporting for managerial purposes, in particular concerning portfolio analyses and income statement reporting.
  • Support in meeting legislative requirements of local and international standards of reporting and other regulations.
  • EMIR compliance services covering all steps of the complete reporting process to trade repository, tailored to Client’s needs and its internal processes – for more information visit:
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