We would like to remind you about the upcoming deadline for meeting one of the reporting obligations relating to transfer pricing, i.e. the deadline for submitting a notification regarding the obligation to provide information about a group of entities (CbC-P).

Who is required to submit the CbC-P?

The entity:

  • which belongs to a capital group, the results of which are consolidated in the group’s financial statements, and
  • which has its registered office or management board in the territory of the Republic of Poland, or has its seat or management board outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, or operates on its territory through a foreign establishment and belongs to a capital group,

and the group’s consolidated revenues in the previous financial year exceeded the amount of:

– PLN 3 250 million (if the capital group prepares consolidated financial statements in PLN) or

– EUR 750 million (or the equivalent of this amount, converted in accordance with statutory rules).

What information should the CbC-P include?

In the CbC-P notification, the entity informs that:

  • the company is itself a parent company or an entity designated to prepare and submit information about a group of entities for the entire group, or
  • is an entity belonging to the group obligated to submit the CbC-R Report and in its CbC-P Notification indicates the reporting entity and country or territory where the CbC-R Report is to be filed.

When should the CbC-P be submitted?

CbC-P notification should be submitted within 3 months from the end of the reporting financial year of the group of entities. This means that if the group’s reporting financial year corresponds with the calendar year, i.e. from January 1st to December 31st 2021, the deadline for submitting the CbC-P notification is March 31, 2022.

How should the CbC-P be submitted?

CbC-P notification is submitted only in electronic form to the Head of the National Revenue Administration via the “e-Deklaracje” system.

Our Transfer Pricing and Valuation Team can help you analyze the obligation to submit the CbC-P form (i.e. data analysis) and prepare a ready-to-submit form.

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